Hippie Homeopathy vs FDA: Controversy!

In August, Little Miss Babystar started teething on vacation. (That kid has excellent timing.) She was crying all night and partying every day, getting six teeth AT ONE TIME in her poor little mouth. These were her first teeth ever, so she was probably like WTF IS THIS SHIT.

She hated it.

She also hated Tylenol and Motrin and any other type of pain relieving medicine. In desperation to find something that worked, I picked up Hyland’s Teeting Tablets at the Target in West Hollywood and crossed my fingers and said a little prayer and made a little offering to the Goddess of Teething. Guess what? They worked! She picked them up with her newly working little pincer grasp and ate ‘her candies’ and they freaking WORKED! I know, I know, it’s homeopathic and all, so it’s probably placebo but how can you placebo a baby? I’ve genuinely been thinking about this. You can’t, right? (Can you?!) They actually worked. Did I mention that they worked?

We ran out last week and that’s when I found out that they have been voluntarily recalled. Crap. My local Harris Teeter pulled them along with most US drugstore chains and I was freaking out and desperate so we ordered three boxes from Amazon that very day. She isn’t teething now but I didn’t want to be stuck without them during her next round of teething fun.

In the meantime, I have read many reports about the teething tablets. Hyland’s specifically, though I know the FDA has recommended discontinuing all brands. I talked to Babystar’s pediatrician about the tablets on our last visit, and she gave the ok. I have personally decided to continue using (and mildly worshiping) the teething tablets. I hope I am right. Parenting is hard. But I’m still researching. I don’t want to start a debate. But I am interested in your opinion. Especially if you have links and facts to share.


We got a couple Halloween books too, as the tablets were one of those annoying Amazon Prime ‘add on thingys’ (technical term) so the shipping is free, but not really.




10 thoughts on “Hippie Homeopathy vs FDA: Controversy!

  1. We’ve stocked up too.
    Babyganics makes teething pads, but it’s literally just clove oil and coconut oil.
    copaiba oil, clove oil, or thieves, heavily diluted on gums or jaw line.

    I did a 10ml roller bottle with 2 or 3 drops of copaiba, 1 drop of clove, and topped it off with a coconut carrier oil.

    I also think it’s a load of bullshit that they discontinued the teeth tablets when the company itself said they stood behind the safety of their product, before they released the information stating they were discontinuing it. It’s really ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Another mom mentioned the copaiba to me, but I haven’t tried it yet because the Hyland’s worked so well and now she’s sort of in remission, as it were. I don’t know a lot about essential oils. Where would I find copaiba oil and how exactly do I use it? And do you find that it’s effective? I’m super interested!


      1. I only use Young Living. You can get a 5ml for $21.50 or a 15ml for $40ish. Check out my blog. I’ve been updating the essential oil section all week.

        I order oils every month as a distributor and member. 🙂 so if you ever want to order something let me know. I use paypal.

        Or you can get a bundle kit, with a bunch of different oils and the diffuser.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I put dilute it with coconut oil and then just put some on my finger and rub it on his gums. Young Livings vitality line is fda approved for ingestion.

        Works pretty well in my opinion.

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  2. Hi, I’m just created a new mommy blog 🙂 Glad I came across yours! My little man is starting to teeth as well, so I’m looking for some teething remedies. Parenting is hard! I wonder why they voluntarily recalled them…Of course you would never give your baby anything that is harmful so with that said, when your baby is crying and nothing can calm them…sometimes it’s about what works! Good thing you stocked up 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A frozen or cold wet rag to suck on before bed or nursing helped us a lot. Lots of cold things.

    But as I told her, we use Copaiba and Clove oil heavily diluted on gums. Thieves would work too. 🙂 good luck, mama!

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